History of

Domestika / Barcelona 2022

Domestika’s marketing team came to me, looking to cement the brand as a force in the creative industry with an in-depth video series. I gave them nothing less than the history behind iconic trends, disciplines, and techniques in the world of art and design.

Make History

Add a (Big) Touch of Motion Magic

Together, we, the design crew produced a monthly series focusing on different topics, including illustration, calligraphy, and industrial design. The research was a team effort. A highlight was learning about the history of the arts.

Animations and motion graphics clips were an elegant way to spice up the stock footage edits and catch the attention of Domestika’s audience on social media while staying on budget.

And the Library is Open

The final animated graphics were spliced into the final cuts and published on Domestika’s social media channels in a dedicated playlist.

Going to the Limit

The limitation of stock footage usage opened the door for me to experiment with photo collage animation — a welcome challenge from the flat and vector animation that I usually work with.

The Numbers

The series is still online and adding to its 100,000+ views. 
But the positive comments were the best part.

Production: Domestika / Art Direction: Ivette Pérez / Design: Alexandra Zielaskiewicz y Sara Lainez / Animation: Arturo Urquiza / Script: Cati Gayá y Marguerite Camu / Edition: Miquel Piquín y Gerard Ardell


Super 8.10


Faro Barcelona